FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > FaxPress Plus Introduction > About the Administrator Mailbox

About the Supervisor Mailbox

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The Supervisor Mailbox provides access to a variety of fax transaction features, including Incoming and Outgoing fax queues, the Unaddressed Faxes folder, fax Notices, Fax Reports and the Supervisor account’s Saved Faxes folder. See Configuring the Supervisor Account for information on configuring the Supervisor account.

Unaddressed Faxes

When automatic routing is not used, all incoming faxes are stored in this folder until a user with supervisor, operator, or router privileges forwards them to the fax recipient. (See Automatic Routing and PBX System Integration for more information on automatic routing.) This folder can be configured just like the Supervisor and Guest accounts by right clicking on it and selecting Properties. For more information on configuring the Unaddressed account refer to Creating and Configuring User Accounts. Faxes in the Unaddressed box can be sorted by Date, Time, Status, and Source. Faxes sent from the Unaddressed mailbox are Low or Normal priority only; High priority is not an option.


The notices folder contains fax transmission and receipt notices. For more information on notices, see Notices and Alerts in the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant User Guide.

Fax Reports

The FaxPress Enterprise Redundant provides both individual and system-wide fax reports. See Fax Reporting for more information.

Saved Faxes

The Saved Faxes folder contains the Supervisor mailbox’s saved incoming faxes if the Save incoming fax option is enables in the User Properties. See Setting Incoming Fax Properties for more information.

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Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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